Get ready to serve with us!
Serving our community together is a major way we grow. We get to know others, give back to where we live, and best of all, participate in God’s grand plan to redeem and restore the world.
Let’s find ways to serve West Valley together.
We are excited to establish a regular rhythm of serving the community together each month, the kind of projects that can be open to all: where people can drop in (or register about a week in advance), lend a hand, and get to know others. Hit us up if you’ve got a project or partner in mind!
Here’s an example of a project: on Saturday August 17th, we got to serve West Valley Community Services, which seeks to unite the community to fight hunger and homelessness, and envisions a community where every person has food on the table and a roof over their head. We tackled a deep clean of their food pantry, from 9-11:30am.
This was an unusual weekend service opportunity, since they are typically closed on weekends. We swept, wiped, scrubbed, vacuumed, and mopped. Floors, shelves, fridges, freezers, carts, milk crates, and more. If we could clean it and make it shine, we did!
What we told people to expect:
Meeting new people and/or getting to know them better while you serve alongside each other
Feeling good about serving a good cause
How we told people to prepare:
Sign up below so we know how many people to expect and can plan accordingly
Wear clothes you don't mind possibly getting grubby
Bring layers in case you get cold easily and/or volunteer to clean out any of the freezers/refrigerator sections
Latex gloves are provided, but if you have your own favorite pair of work gloves, bring those
Bring a water bottle
WVCS is at 10104 Vista Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014. Parking on the street is best. It’s also FREE, but probably give yourself 5 minutes to walk to the pantry